Jadwal Waktu Shalat Wilayah Semarang

"Selalu ada Allah SWT, maka berharaplah kepada-Nya" (Allah.SWT)


Sabtu, 06 Desember 2014

Bahan Ajar Termokimia.PPT

Exothermic and endothermic reaction




Unit Education          : High School
Class                           : XI
Basic Competency     : 3.5 The reaction is exothermic and endothermic reactions, Changes in the reaction enthalpy  : Calorimeter, Hess's Law, Bond Energy

CC 1 : Living with and practice the teachings of their religion.
CC 2 : Living the honest behavior and practice, discipline, responsibility, caring (mutual assistance, cooperation, tolerance, peace), polite, responsive and proactive, and show attitude as part of the solution to various problems in interacting effectively with the social environment and the nature and position ourselves as a reflection of the nation in the association world.
CC 3 : Understand, implement, and analyze factual knowledge, conceptual, procedural, and metacognitive based on his curiosity about science, technology, arts, culture, and humanities with an insight into humanity, national, state, and civilization-related causes of phenomena and events, and applying procedural knowledge in a specific field of study according to their talents and interests to solve problems.
CC 4 : Processing, reasoning, and presenting in the realm of the concrete and abstract domains associated with the development of the independently learned in school, acting effectively and creatively, and be able to use the method according to the rules of science.

Basic Competency
Learning Material
Learning Activity
Time Allocation
Learning Resources
The Learning Product
1.1 Recognizing the regularity of hydrocarbon properties, thermochemistry, rate of reaction, chemical equilibrium, solutions and colloids as a manifestation of the greatness of Almighty God and the knowledge of the existence of the order as a result of human creative thinking that truth is tentative

1.2 Grateful for Indonesian natural resources such as petroleum, coal and natural gas as well as a variety of other minerals as the grace of God Almighty and can be used for the welfare of the people of Indonesia
2.1 Demonstrate scientific behavior (curious, disciplined, honest, objective, open, able to distinguish fact and opinion, tenacious, conscientious, responsible, critical, creative, innovative, democratic, communicative) in designing and conducting experiments and discussions are realized in everyday behaviors

2.2 Demonstrate cooperative behavior, polite, tolerant and caring environment and saving in the use of natural resources

2.3 Shows the behavior of responsive and pro-active as well as wise as a manifestation of the ability to solve problems and make decisions

3.5 Determining H reaction based on Hess's law, the data standard enthalpy change of formation, and bond energy data

4.5 Design, conduct, and conclude and present the results of experiments determining the H for the reaction

·  Distinguish the system and the environment
·  Explain the various changes in enthalpy
·  Determine the price change in enthalpy (principality Black)
·  Determining the value of ΔH reaction using Hess's law
·  Determining the value of ΔH reaction using standard enthalpy change data
·  Determining the value of ΔH reaction using the bond energy data
·               The reaction is exothermic and endothermic reactions
·               Changes in the reaction enthalpy
- Calorimeter
- Hess's Law
- Bond Energy

• Digging information by reading / listening / watching / systems and the environment, changes in temperature, the heat produced in the combustion of fuel, and the impact of incomplete combustion of various fuels


• Asking questions related to: exothermic and endothermic reactions in everyday life, how to determine the enthalpy change of reaction

• Discuss the definition of the system and the environment
• Discuss the various changes in enthalpy
• Designing and presenting experimental design
- The reaction is exothermic and endothermic reaction
- Determination of the Enthalpy Change
- Determination of the Heat of Combustion of Fuel
• Conduct experiments exothermic reactions and endothermic reactions; determination of enthalpy changes with Calorimeter and the determination of heat of combustion of fuel
• Observe and record the results of the experiment


• Analyze the data to create charts and diagrams rate cycle
• Process the data to determine the enthalpy change of the price (the principle Black)
• Comparing the enthalpy changes of combustion through the incomplete combustion calculations
• Connecting with the reaction enthalpy change bond energy
• Calculate the enthalpy change based on Hess's law and energy ties

• Report on the results of experiments using proper grammar
• Presenting the results of experiments using proper grammar

• Designing experiments exothermic reaction, endothermic reaction and linking them with everyday events
• Designing experimental determination of the enthalpy change Calorimeter and linking them with everyday events
• Designing experimental heat of combustion of fuel

• Scientific attitude in conducting experiments and presentations, for example: see the scale of the volume and temperature, using a pipette, weigh way, active, cooperative, communicative, and care for the environment, etc.)

• The report trial

The written test description
• Understanding of exothermic reactions and endothermic reactions
• Creating a cycle diagrams and charts based on the data rate
• Determine the change in enthalpy (H) reaction

3 weeks x 4 lesson time

- Book chemistry class XI
- Various other sources

· Determination of the experimental design with the enthalpy changes calorimeter
· Portfolio report experimental results
· Powerpoint experimental results

Tutorial Install ISPRING


Mengubah File Powerpoint ke Flash Movie (SWF)
ISpring Presenter merupakan salah satu tool yang mengubah file presentasi yang kompatibel dengan Power Point untuk menjadikan bentuk flash. Perangkat lunak Ispring tersedia dalam versi free (gratis) dan pro (berbayar).
Ispring Presenter secara mudah dapat diintegrasikan dalam Microsoft Power Point sehingga Anda tidak membutuhkan keahlian khusus. Beberapa fitur Ispring Presenter adalah:
  1. iSpring Presenter bekerja sebagai add-ins PowerPoint, untuk menjadikan file PowerPoint lebih menarik dan interaktif berbasis Flash dan dapat dibuka di hampir setiap komputer atau platform. 
  2. Dikembangkan untuk mendukung e-learning. iSpring Presenter dapat menyisipkan berbagai bentuk media, sehingga media pembelajaran yang dihasilkan akan lebih menarik, diantaranya adalah dapat merekam dan sinkronisasi video presenter, menambahkan Flash dan video YouTube, mengimpor atau merekam audio, menambahkan informasi pembuat presentasi dan logo perusahaan, serta membuat navigasi dan desain yang unik (pro).
  3. Mudah didistribusikan dalam format flash, yang dapat digunakan dimanapun dan dioptimalkan untuk web.
  4. Membuat kuis dengan berbagai jenis pertanyaan/soal yaitu: True/False, Multiple Choice, Multiple response, Type In, Matching, Sequence, numeric, Fill in the Blank, Multiple Choice Text (pro).

Contoh menu Ispring Free
Menggunaan iSpring dalam aplikasi Power Point:
1. Anda harus menginstall program iSppring, aplikasi ini dapat di download secara gratis dengan kisaran file 24 Mb di
2. Buka file presentasi Anda yang telah dibuat di Power Point, jika animasi Anda ingin dijalankan dengan automatis (tanpa menggunakan klik atau enter) maka sebaiknya pada efek animasinya (start) tidak menggunakan on click tetapi lebih disarankan memakai efek animasi-start : after previous, sehingga presentasi dapat berjalan sendiri tanda di enter atau di klik.
3. Pastikan bahwa slide animasi yang akan diubah sudah final sesuai keinginan Anda dengan cara jalankan (slide show atau tekan F5).
4. Jika Anda menggunakan versi 2010, maka pilih iSpring (pada addres bar) lalu klik Publish, maka muncul kotak dialog 
  • Presentation title = silahkan ganti nama file yang Anda inginkan)
  • Slide range = klik All slides untuk di Publish
  • Options = jangan beri tanda cecklist.

5. Lalu klik Publish dan tunggu beberapa saat, maka file Anda sudah jadi Flash dan secara otomatis akan dimainkan di Movie Flash,
6. Langkah-langkah di atas adalah bagaimana kita mengubah animasi dalam bentuk PowerPoint lalu diubah menjadi Flash Movie (SWF), pada langkah berikut ini, kita akan menampilkan file atau animasi yang telah diubah menjadi Flash Movie (SWF) dari halaman slide PowerPoint.


Membuat program hitungan seperti yang ada dalam delphi juga bisa dibuat dalam microsoft power point, yaitu dengan menggunakan Visual Basic. Caranya juga cukup mudah, berikut akan saya jelaskan sedikit tentang cara membuat program hitungan menggunakan Visual Basic dalam power point.
Beriku adalah caranya :
Buka aplikasi microsoft power point

Pada lembar kerja (slide), desain dengan kreasi kalian (disini saya mencontohkan membuat program hitungan untuk gas ideal)
Kemudian siapkan menu input (yang diketahui dalam soal) dan juga menu output (yang ditanyakan dalam soal). Atur posisinya sesuai dengan kreasi kalian.
Untuk memasukkan menu yang akan diisi dengan angka dimana nantinya dapat melakukan perhitungan seperti yang ada dalam delphi, caranya mudah sekali, pilih developer, pilih icon text box. Jika dikomputer kalian belum ada menu developer, tinggal dimunculkan saja, caranya mudah cukup dengan file, option, custom ribbon, centang developer yang ada di sebelah kanan
Seperti pada delphi, pada bagian text box dapat diedit sesuai dengan keinginan. Caranya text box yang akan diedit, menu developer, properties, kemudian edit sesuai keinginan seperti pada delphi. Untuk masing-masing inputan, juga bisa disingkat agar mempermudah dalam memasukkan rumus nantinya. Caranya juga mudah, setelah pada bagian properties diedit, tinggal lihat dibagian selection and visibility pada menu home, find, select, selection pane